Get to know the program, the social experience, and the personalities you can expect to see at the inaugural Equestricon!
Whether it’s racing fashion, a taste of Kentucky’s finest bourbon, or concerts featuring some of the brightest stars in modern pop, Equestricon has it all. Though the racing-centered festival has events like these going on all throughout the week before the Breeders’ Cup, there are a few that might catch the eye of even the most seasoned Kentucky natives.
“You hear it every day at the racetrack: ‘I’m a great handicapper, but a terrible bettor.’ In many instances that’s true,” said Daily Racing Form’s podcast host and contest editor Peter Thomas Fornatale. “People will spend an hour looking at a race and construct a bet in the time it takes to walk from their seat to the window.”
The question is—why? Why is Kentucky the epicenter of Thoroughbred breeding in North America? Why have so many of racing’s greatest breeders been drawn to Kentucky over any other state? The answer is right at your feet…"
Whether you’re a student, a young professional looking to work in racing or someone who has started a career in horse racing but wants to meet a broader range of people in the field, Equestricon is a once-a-year educational and networking destination. Generally speaking, the entire convention, is about creating more access to the sport and providing opportunities for attendees to meet people who have a shared passion for horse racing. But career development is heavily emphasized in the convention program, which will be held on Monday, October 29, and Tuesday, October 30, at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Downtown Louisville.
“Equestricon is a modern day way of thinking in racing,” said [Stacie Clark-Rogers]. “I think in this day and age the accountability of the stewardship of horses is important to show that we care about our horses. You want to say, ’yes, we take care of the horses after they’re done racing.’ I think this modern day fan wants to know that. I think it’s important to recognize that social expectation is that we are conscious of the stewardship of the horse.”
Owning a racehorse is one of our oldest, most celebrated traditions, but high costs, an insular industry and a host of other reasons have prevented generations of new fans from enjoying one of life’s most thrilling experiences. To change that, we launched The People’s Horse, a new project that fuses digital crowdsourcing, interactive media and old-school horsemanship, and allows anyone the experience of horse ownership. With California Chrome as our stallion and Taylor Made Farm as our partner, we’re building a growing community that can help raise our foal to be
“Horses and veterans have a shared basis. Horses are prey animals and they are very fearful of their surroundings. Their expertise is to identify and respond to threatening cues in the environment. This also is what’s going on with people with PTSD, especially veterans, who are coming back to post-deployment life.
Attendees at the first ever international horse racing convention will have the chance to win a trip of a lifetime. Thanks to a sponsorship by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, a "Lucky Draw" sweepstakes will be held at Equestricon, in which someone will win a trip for two to the LONGINES Hong Kong International Races this December.
Equestricon is a must-attend event for anyone who has ever dreamed of owning a racehorse. In addition to opportunities to engage directly with owners during networking sessions and showcase presentations, heads of multiple racing partnerships will also participate in a dedicated panel to explain how you can get in the game with a lower barrier to entry through fractional ownership.
Several prominent and talented female handicappers will participate in a special seminar at Equestricon, offering their insights, sharing personal stories, and pro tips.
Anyone looking to get their “foot in the door” in racing, will be taking an enormous first step while attending the inaugural Equestricon this August 14-15 at the Saratoga Springs City Center.
The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance will be hosting an impressive silent auction of valuable experiences, memorabilia, art, and other unique items that every racing fan will enjoy. All of the proceeds will benefit the TAA, which accredits and awards grants to Thoroughbred aftercare organizations in North America.